Saturday, June 11, 2016

June Refreshment

It's June, a month as a child that I mostly relished.  Free time, the outdoors, lots of daylight.  Here I sit as an adult and to me it's a month I always wish will pass quickly.  The whys are is out and I'm missing the adults I spend most days with...I'm anticipating the school year to come and have a host of projects on my mental to-do's hot, I hate hot...I need to wear summer clothes, a plus size woman's worst's a rainy month and our basement isn't known for being the driest place on earth.

I woke up this morning at 3:30 to the rumble of thunder?  Where is this coming from? I don't remember anyone predicting it.  I was up for another two hours, checking the radar to make sure they amount of rain was tolerable.  I then went to sleep and had a nightmare about the after affects of yet another storm (along with some drop ins of long lost friends and a marching band, but that's how sleep goes.

As I was getting ready this morning and trying to determine what I would wear on this hot day that wouldn't look horrendous I realized the metaphor of the storm and the middle of the night wake up call.  I can choose to live with joy (and sleep) and let God handle the storms that seem to swirl around us.  I can get going and live my life.  Or I can sit and wait for the storm to pass, always watching the radar for impending danger.  By the time the storm is over and I get moving again another will certainly appear and I'm back to waiting and watching.

I want to commit to choose joy, to live life to the fullest.  I want to set a few goals and actually accomplish them.  What are they...

If I dream big they are
1. Run a marathon
2. Lose a ton of weight in the process
3. Get our finances in a place where we can vacation frequently on our teacher and custodian salaries.

If I'm being realistic...
1. Maintain our house to a respectful state of organized chaos
2. Accomplish one task each day around the house
3. Actually finish a book I start
4. Spend less time looking at life on the internet and live it
5. Work at being healthy
6. Let go of as much worry as I can

I'm going to jump in...we'll see what happens.

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